Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tips and Tricks

As school is getting back in full swing, I find myself thinking of ways to save money and recycle! As I was going through stacks of old college things, I found a lot of plastic pocket folders that I had used for classes and for student teaching. In an attempt to stay organized, I wrote on each folder in permanent marker which helped at the time, but I found myself throwing away folders because the "OCD" side of me could not scratch out or write over what was there... :) 

My student teaching co-operating teacher filled me in on this little secret which worked like magic! Using just Comet and a sponge, my old folders came out perfectly new!  A little scrubbing went a long way with these ones!! Who knew that Comet had another purpose besides shining up sinks. 

Now I can reuse and recycle these folders for a better purpose, my little way of giving back!  :)


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